We Explore Life Outside the Box,
One Story At A Time.
Do you find yourself wondering how things got to be this way? Is there a sense, deep within you, that life is meant to be lived wildly different than what is happening now? Are you longing for genuine connection, meaningful support, and wise ones living in service to a brighter tomorrow?

If so,
You’re in the right place.
Hearthkyn was birthed from an earnest longing to create a web of kin centered around living in right relationship with place and one another.
It’s gathering around the fire and remembering what it means to be human.
The practices are centered around story, threshold spaces, and rites of passage.
Experience Mentorship.
Speak and Listen From the Heart.
Share Your Story.
At Hearthkyn, we are hear to support your humanity. We show up for you so you can show up for what is being asked of you, now.
Initiated adults supporting young ones navigating threshold times and spaces.
Sit in circle, listen and speak from the heart. There is no feedback, no fixing, only reflections, should they be welcomed by the speaker.
Actively participate with life in all its forms. Stretch yourself to become the person you are here to be.
Discover the threads that weave us together in the tapestry of life.
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